SCE believes that when youth have the ability to identify and understand their rights and responsibilities as citizens of the digital world, they will be better prepared to develop the skills necessary for building a healthier, more productive digital community marked by a sense of agency, confidence and inclusion.
We partnered with Chicago Ideas to explore how youth are thinking about digital and 21st century citizenship by engaging Ideas’ youth membership explicitly on the topics of participation, responsibility, and accountability in this hybrid world. To support these youth-centered conversations, Chicago Ideas created a Youth Focus Group Facilitation Guide based on real world, ethical dilemmas that youth face online. This resource can be adopted and adapted by others, including schools, after-school programs, and informal groups, who hope to facilitate meaningful conversations with young people about digital life. Throughout this partnership we will share findings from teens about how to be trustees of shared spaces and relationships.
Most recently, we partnered with Chicago Ideas and ATTN: Media on the #DearSocialMedia campaign, which encouraged teens to speak up about the very real ways that social media affects their lives. Visit the campaign’s website to learn more about this partnership and hear directly from the teens speaking out about these issues.