Past Challenges
When we launch a program, we position it as a Challenge to the best and the brightest in the field. We develop a nonprofit community that works together to seek answers to a critical question. New partners form a cohort that collectively commits to addressing whatever challenge is on the table.
We regularly convene cohort members to share common obstacles, successes, and lessons learned. By building a community of practice, each partner gains the opportunity to learn from the others.
Past Challenges
When we launch a program, we position it as a Challenge to the best and the brightest in the field. We develop a nonprofit community that works together to seek answers to a critical question. New partners form a cohort that collectively commits to addressing whatever challenge is on the table.
We regularly convene cohort members to share common obstacles, successes, and lessons learned. By building a community of practice, each partner gains the opportunity to learn from the others.

Social and Emotional Learning Challenge: Demonstration Initiative
The second phase of the Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) Challenge focused on demonstrating how Preparing Youth to Thrive content, training, performance measures and practices can be integrated into youth serving organizations across the country to improve SEL practice.

Digital Learning Challenge II
SCE’s second Digital Learning Challenge brought together a community of afterschool programs to explore what it means to be a prepared and skilled 21st century citizen. Together, we analyzed and articulated best practices and shared what we learned with educators, informal learning practitioners, and others with a vested interest in effective digital learning.

Social and Emotional Learning Challenge
The Social and Emotional Learning Challenge was a collaboration between SCE, exemplary youth workers selected through an open national competition, and a team of expert researchers setting out to explore how youth are best supported in cultivating teamwork, resilience, agency and empathy skills in informal learning environments.

Digital Learning Challenge I
SCE’s first Digital Learning Challenge focused on increasing access to the most engaging, educationally effective digital learning media. The ultimate objective of this Challenge was to enable children to make greater and more effective use of high-quality digital learning activities.