Tech and Society
How Can We Harness the Power of Tech?
This blog is the first in a series exploring our evolving thinking on the relationships between technology and society. We look forward to learning more about this emerging topic, and to sharing what we learn along ...
Nonprofit Leaders in Digital Learning Share Their Insights
What roles can data play in building effective digital learning programs for youth? How can those programs ensure that their most ambitious projects succeed? And how can your organization leverage professional development to maximize impact? In ...
#DearSocialMedia: Teens Tell Tech Industry What Needs to Change
It’s no surprise that a generation that grew up on the internet has plenty of insights on how to make it better. In partnership with ATTN: Media and Chicago Ideas, we launched a campaign to encourage our ...
We asked teens how to exercise better judgement online. Their responses blew us away.
“How might we improve people’s judgement in digital spaces?” This was the question that guided the Untagle the Web hackathon, a two-day event we hosted this summer in collaboration with We gathered 15 exceptional young ...
Two New Grants Take SCE into the Digital Age
Partnerships with Center for Humane Technology and University of Wisconsin launch SCE’s exploration into well-being In some ways, the convergence of Digital Learning and Social and Emotional Learning was inevitable: In this highly connected era, success ...
We Untangled the Web with Here’s What We Learned.
More than 50,000 young people signed up to teach adults about digital life Today’s young people are digital natives; they grew up with unmatched access to technology. However, they can feel disconnected from adults around technology ...
Lessons Learned from a Research-Practice Partnership
SCE’s executive director shares lessons learned from a research-practice partnership focused on how digital tools and practices can promote the development of skills for the workforce and positive community participation. Read the blog here. The Power ...